Friday, December 6, 2013


It's on!

The Itinerary: We get on a plane to Shanghai tomorrow, and if the smog allows them to find the ground, we will change planes and get to Ho Chi Minh City a few hours later. Three days in the old Saigon, then a quick hop up to Hanoi. We will then spend about three weeks working our way back to Ho Chi Minh by whatever means available (hopefully involving longshore drift, if you sedimentology types get my meaning!) Quick two days in Shanghai on the way home, and that's a trip.

Not sure what the social media or Wifi situation is in Vietnam, so this might be another trip-blog failure like Cuba. Otherwise, check back with us and I will try to update every couple of days.

This has been a test of the Tig'n'Pat on the Road blogging interface system. please return to regular web browsing.

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