Todays travel itinerary:
Taxi: Actual car this time. Get to the bus station Early enough for a coffee... Wait, Starbucks opens at 10:00am!?! how do these people get up in the morning?
Bus: we splurged and spent the extra $5 for "VIP" seats during this 5-hour ride. Ride featured a drive across "one of the longest bridges in the world", ends up it is ranked 29th. That's like saying Canada is "one of the best Soccer playing countries in the world".

Pat. rolling it, VIP style. I wanted to take the seat home with me. The colour matches my
Light Rail: Like Skytrain, but 40 cents.
Monorail: also 40 cents, but it was a monorail!
All that to get us deeply immersed in Kuala Lumpur.
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