Sunday, December 28, 2008


OK, the comments pages of this blog has been pretty lame. I encourage everyone, including the Illinois contingent, to comment on this one. Just to see where the opinions are.

I think I commented earlier on the lack of Americans around these parts. It is kind of eerie. Every time you think you spot one, they start gargling out German or Dutch. Lots of Brits (toe-headed kids in tow) and Aussies (tanked, tattooed), but no Yanks.

We spotted our first Americans on the Gulf of Thailand coast. We noticed them across the room: slightly, uh, "Milk-fed", he in an Illinois State (brought to you by swoosh!) t-shirt, she in an Obama victory party t-shirt (arabic script? Huh?). The next day we rode a Sangthaew over the centre of Ko Pha-Ngan to the ferry landing, and they hopped aboard. Already on board was another female tourist, travelling alone. Tig's eyebrows shot up when she noticed all three had backpacks sporting Canadian flags - fat red maple leaf and all.

I gave Tig the "shut up" look, and listened to the three get acquainted and share life stories. All happened to be from the Chicago area: single tourist now living in L.A, and the couple now teaching at "International School" in Qatar. it took Tig about ten minutes to get so worked up that she was vibrating - How dare they! Who do they think they are!?! Arrogant! Disrespectful!! Offensive!!!. Proud as shit at home to be singing the anthem at a baseball game - love to extend their ideas at the point of a gun- until they are alone outside of their home country, then they wish they were Canadian!

I see it as pure pragmatism - better off offending a few Canadians and conveniently forgetting our patriotism than being shot by a wayawrd Arab. But Tg is really pissed that Americans feel that they can coat-tail onto our international reputation when needed.

It was all I could do to keep Tig from ripping a strip off them (and I already pity the next American we see sporting the Maple leaf, she may kill him).

Opinions? We w\might have time, as the island we are off to tomorrow may not have internet access at all, in which case you may not hear from us until the new year.

Have fun everyone.


Ashley Joyce said...

Politics and vacations don't mix, Tig. Let's all just put aside arbitrary national borders and unite as fellow Earthlings!

Or, to restore the balance, you could pretend to be an American, call the people around you "foreigners", and complain that you can't get a good Big Mac anywhere in that godforsaken country!

Anonymous said...

Personally I think it is wrong to pretend to be Canadians when you are not. Why not just be anonymous and let people guess who you are. Tig should have just ripped off their fake flags.


Anonymous said...

Until yesterday, or perhaps last November 4th, I've been known to say on beery occasion that I'd like to defect to Canadia. I mean it, temporarily, but even I don't own any pins. OK, I think I have a maple leaf sticker here in the office somewhere.

However, out of respect for the Land and People that have always treated me well, I'd never dream of impersonation-- other than uttering the stock "Aboot" and "Tuque!!", outbursts of which are usually limited to hometown bars and most usually when I'm in direct company of our friends-from-the-north. They eat it up. Note: I have also borrowed their "suss it out", and have made it my own.
