Saturday, December 25, 2010


We drove North out of Durban, past the beaches and sugar cane fields of KwaZulu-Natal, up to the Matigula River and the Amatigulu Nature Preserve.
We are staying in a tent on a platform in the middle of a preservation area, on a small hill overlooking the Matigula Estuary. There are snappy-fish (or "crocodiles" as they call them here) in the water, so swimming is strongly discouraged.

It finally turned "African Hot". I think it was about a million degrees out, and the humidity was about a thousand. Perfect.

Now, it is time to talk about animals. For the next two weeks we will be popping from one nature reserve to another, from the Elephant Coast through Kruger Park, the Limpopo, and up to the Kalahari. I am going to try not to go on about every freaking stripey-horse (or "zebra" as they call them here) we see, and get all pokemon on you. Pictures of animals will be limited to one per species, unless, of course, we subsequently see the same species eating another species, getting eaten, or gettin' it on. I know my audience.

Today we had our first close encounter with a herd of stretchy-horses (or "giraffe" as they call them here). They were remarkably timid, considering they had about 30 feet on me. To watch them gallop... all Manute Bol slow-motion like, was incredible.

(click and zoom in for full effect)
We bought some rump steak from the white butcher at the adjacent town. I only point out his colour (of lack of) because as we stepped into his shop, he was quick to mention that the meat on display was for the Blacks, and that he kept the good meat in the back. So we ordered our steaks, not realizing that African beef was a "white meat". Yikes.

Back at the park, I cooked the steaks over an open fire, with a little help from Mr.Carling, while Tig made potatoes and beans, and we had a real camp meal. The $6 bottle of beautiful South African red made everything taste great. The thunder storm respectfully waited until we were in bed before opening up.

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