Saturday, December 11, 2010

No adventures yet.

Unless you consider strapping yourself into a wide-body jetliner and hurtling at 1000 km/h, 10,000 m over the north pole as an adventure.

We flew sitting next to slightly strange fellow from Vancouver who was flying to Frankfort for a day, just to fly in the plane we were sitting in. It was a KLM MD-11, a Boeing update of the old Douglas DC-10. You know the one: three engines, one of which was typically falling off? Well Boeing modernised the plane (and apparenty fixed that engine-falling-off thing) then stopped selling them. KLM is the only major airline to still fly them, and only have about a dozen left. So dudes like our seatmate are, it would seem, rushing to get chance to develop deep-vien thrombosis in a soon-to-be or already obsolete plane.

The worst part of the trip for me is his only reason to take a trip. I may still be bitter because he had the window seat and used the bathroom 5 times in an 8-hour flight.

So we have not slept in 24 hours, but we are in Amsterdam for 22, I hear they have cures here for sleepiness.

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